
How Can You Identify and Care for Bumblefoot in Chickens

How Can You Identify and Care for Bumblefoot in Chickens

Bumblefoot, also known as pododermatitis, is a common condition in chickens that can cause discomfort, pain, and even serious infections if left untreated. Since ...

What Are the 5 Most Common Chicken Diseases and Their Treatments

What Are the 5 Most Common Chicken Diseases and Their Treatments

Chickens are hardy animals, but they’re not immune to occasional health issues. The good news is that many common chicken problems can be treated ...

What Are the Best Chicken Breeds for Large, Consistent Egg Production

What Are the Best Chicken Breeds for Large, Consistent Egg Production

Believe it or not, the classification of chicken eggs is based on their weight, not size. The weight of an egg determines its classification, ...

How Can Backyard Chickens Improve Your Garden and Soil Health

How Can Backyard Chickens Improve Your Garden and Soil Health

Chickens have been a part of human life for over 9,000 years, offering companionship, entertainment, and a reliable food source. But did you know ...

What Are the Best Chicken Breeds for Small Backyards

What Are the Best Chicken Breeds for Small Backyards

Choosing the best chicken breeds for small backyards can be tricky because there are so many wonderful options! To help you find the right ...

Winter Chicken Care Tips to Keep Them Safe and Warm

Winter Chicken Care: Tips to Keep Them Safe and Warm

As winter arrives, it’s important to ensure your flock stays warm, healthy, and safe. While chickens naturally have some built-in protection with their feathers, ...

What Chickens Need to Eat During Cold Winters

What Chickens Need to Eat During Cold Winters

As the weather changes, so do your chickens’ nutritional needs. To help them stay healthy and warm through the colder months, it’s essential to ...

Identify and Treating Pasty Butt in Chicks with These Simple Steps

Identify and Treating Pasty Butt in Chicks with These Simple Steps

Pasty butt may sound gross (and it is), but it’s an important issue to watch for when raising baby chicks. Left untreated, it can ...

5 Key Tips for Properly Feeding Chicks and Pullets

5 Key Tips for Properly Feeding Chicks and Pullets

Feeding baby chicks properly is key to their healthy growth and development. From teaching them where to find food to knowing when to switch ...

5 Tips for Happy, Free-Range Chickens

5 Tips for Happy, Free-Range Chickens

Letting your chickens free-range can be exciting and healthy for them, but it comes with risks like predators and accidents. If you want to ...
