Bird Care

This Simple Addition to Your Flock’s Diet Can Change Everything!

This Simple Addition to Your Flock’s Diet Can Change Everything!

Raising happy and healthy chickens starts with a balanced diet. One of the easiest ways to boost their nutrition is by adding seeds to ...

Thrush is Spreading – Is Your Flock at Risk?

Thrush is Spreading – Is Your Flock at Risk?

Thrush, also known as candidiasis, is a common fungal infection in birds caused by the Candida species. It primarily affects the digestive system and, ...

What are the common treatments for respiratory infections in chickens

What are the common treatments for respiratory infections in chickens

Raising backyard chickens can be incredibly rewarding. From collecting fresh eggs to watching your flock scurry toward you, there’s so much joy to be ...

Can You Raise Turkeys and Chickens Together Safely

Can You Raise Turkeys and Chickens Together Safely

A healthy, balanced diet is key to keeping your chickens happy, laying eggs consistently, and staying disease-free. While experimenting with natural supplements like ginger ...

Where Should You Store Freshly Laid Eggs for Freshness

Where Should You Store Freshly Laid Eggs for Freshness

Freshly laid eggs are a delight to have, whether you’re collecting them for breakfast or storing them for later use. Proper handling and storage ...

When Should You Consult a Vet for Vent Issues

When Should You Consult a Vet for Vent Issues

All chicken owners will eventually face health concerns within their flock, and one area to monitor closely is the vent (or cloaca). The vent ...

Can Feeding Scraps Lead to Health Issues

Can Feeding Scraps Lead to Health Issues

Feeding chickens table scraps can be a great way to recycle kitchen waste and reduce food costs, but not all leftovers are safe for ...

What Are the Common Causes of Lice in Chickens

What Are the Common Causes of Lice in Chickens

Chicken lice infestations are a common issue among backyard flocks, but they can be controlled with proper care and monitoring. These external parasites can ...

Why Do Chickens Get Worn-Out Feathers During Summer

Why Do Chickens Get Worn-Out Feathers During Summer

Have you noticed your chickens looking a little scruffy with missing or ragged feathers? Don’t worry—it’s a common issue, especially in summer, when certain ...

How Do You Protect Backyard Chickens from Bird Flu

How Do You Protect Backyard Chickens from Bird Flu

Bird flu, also known as Avian Influenza (AI), is a deadly virus that has once again put the U.S. poultry industry on high alert. ...
