8 Clever Birds That Make the Best Trainable Pets

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8 Clever Birds That Make the Best Trainable Pets

If you’re on the hunt for an intelligent, engaging, and trainable pet bird, you’re in for a treat! Many bird species are not only beautiful but also highly intelligent, capable of solving puzzles, learning tricks, playing games, and even mimicking human speech. Some birds, however, stand out for their exceptional teachability and love for social interaction.

In this guide, we’ll explore eight captivating pet bird species known for their smarts, personality, and ability to form strong bonds with their owners.

1. Macaws: Playful Giants with Big Personalities

Macaws are among the largest and most colorful parrots, native to the South American rainforests. Known for their comical personalities and affectionate nature, Macaws form deep bonds with their owners and can live for nearly 100 years with proper care. They need a large, safe space to fly and plenty of attention to stay happy.

Species Overview

  • Length: 32 inches (half of which is tail feathers)
  • Weight: 35 ounces
  • Physical Characteristics: Bright scarlet, light blue, and yellow feathers; dark blue, red, gold, and green flight feathers; white skin around the eyes

Ideal for: Experienced bird owners with plenty of space and time for interaction.

2. African Grey Parrots: The Einstein of the Bird World

Often called the most intelligent bird on Earth, the African Grey Parrot is famous for its exceptional memory, emotional depth, and ability to mimic human speech with startling clarity. These parrots need daily social interaction and mental stimulation, living up to 80 years when well cared for.

Species Overview

  • Length: 13 inches
  • Weight: 15–18 ounces
  • Physical Characteristics: Shades of grey feathers with red tail feathers

Ideal for: Owners who can dedicate plenty of time for mental engagement and social bonding.

3. Amazon Parrots: The Talkative Charmers

Amazon Parrots are known for their incredible talking ability and clarity of speech. Friendly, affectionate, and highly social, they thrive on interaction but also require a lot of attention and stimulation to stay happy.

Species Overview

  • Length: 13–15 inches
  • Weight: 7–25 ounces
  • Physical Characteristics: Green feathers with varied head colorings depending on the subspecies

Ideal for: Owners who enjoy training and have the time to engage in regular communication with their bird.

4. Cockatoos: Loyal Companions with Big Hearts

Native to Australia, Cockatoos are loving and highly intelligent birds that form strong bonds with their owners. Without enough social interaction, they can suffer from emotional distress. When properly cared for, these birds are affectionate and can quickly learn tricks and behaviors.

Species Overview

  • Length: 18 inches
  • Weight: 14–28 ounces
  • Physical Characteristics: Mostly white feathers; yellow patches under wings; reddish eyes in females, brown or black eyes in males

Ideal for: Owners with plenty of time to spend daily with their bird.

5. Budgerigars (Budgies): Small Birds, Big Smarts

Budgies may be small, but their intelligence and trainability rival those of larger parrots. They are quick learners, capable of mimicking speech, and can master fun tricks with ease. Budgies need a long-term commitment since they form close bonds with their owners.

Species Overview

  • Length: 7 inches
  • Weight: 1 ounce
  • Physical Characteristics: Light green body, black wing markings, yellow head; captive-bred varieties include blue, gray, white, and violet

Ideal for: First-time bird owners looking for an intelligent, low-maintenance pet.

6. Mynah Birds: Talking Stars of the Starling Family

Though part of the starling family, Mynah birds are renowned for their ability to mimic human speech with impressive clarity. They quickly pick up sounds from their environment and learn to mimic their owner’s voice.

Species Overview

  • Length: 9 inches
  • Weight: 4–5 ounces
  • Physical Characteristics: Brown body, black head, yellow patch behind the eyes; bright yellow bills and legs

Ideal for: Owners interested in having a highly social and talkative bird.

7. Lovebirds: Intelligent and Inquisitive Companions

Lovebirds are not just cute—they’re curious and excellent problem-solvers. They’re known for being escape artists due to their cleverness. While they aren’t the most talkative birds, they can learn a few vocalizations if trained early.

Species Overview

  • Length: 5–6 inches
  • Weight: 2 ounces
  • Physical Characteristics: Mostly green, with orange heads, blue lower backs, red beaks, and white eye rings

Ideal for: Owners who enjoy spending time training and playing with their pet.

8. Canaries: Singers with a Gentle Personality

Originating from the Canary Islands, Canaries are beloved for their beautiful singing voices. While initially shy, they can be trained to perch on your finger and even fly around the room on command.

Species Overview

  • Length: 8–9 inches
  • Weight: 0.5 ounces
  • Physical Characteristics: Bright yellow, whitish, or reddish body

Ideal for: Owners looking for a low-maintenance bird that offers beautiful songs.

How to Choose the Best Trainable Bird for You

While certain bird species are naturally more intelligent and trainable, every individual bird has its unique personality and abilities. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Time commitment: Some species need several hours of interaction daily.
  • Space requirements: Larger birds like Macaws need large enclosures and flying space.
  • Noise tolerance: Birds like Amazon Parrots and Mynah Birds can be quite loud.
  • Lifespan: Some species, like African Greys and Macaws, can live for decades.

All birds are intelligent and capable of learning, but the eight species mentioned here stand out for their ability to bond with humans and master new tricks. Whether you’re drawn to the lively Budgie, the affectionate Cockatoo, or the brilliant African Grey Parrot, these birds can bring joy, companionship, and endless learning opportunities—provided you’re ready for the commitment.


What is the smartest bird for training?

The African Grey Parrot is widely considered the smartest bird due to its incredible memory, problem-solving abilities, and capacity for human speech.

Are Budgies easy to train?

Yes, Budgies are highly intelligent, quick learners, and can be trained to talk and perform tricks with regular practice and patience.

Which bird is the best talker?

Amazon Parrots are considered some of the best talkers among birds, with clear speech and the ability to develop large vocabularies.

How long do Macaws live?

Macaws can live up to 100 years with proper care, making them a long-term commitment for any potential owner.

Do Lovebirds learn to talk?

Lovebirds are not known for their talking ability, but they can learn some vocalizations if trained from a young age.

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