How to Raise Baby Chicks? Are You Feeding Your Chicks the Right Way?

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How to Raise Baby Chicks? Are You Feeding Your Chicks the Right Way?

Springtime is an exciting season for backyard chicken keepers—it’s chick season! There’s nothing more adorable than bringing home tiny, fluffy chicks and setting them up in their new space. But if you’re new to raising chicks, you might be wondering: What exactly do they need?

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about setting up a brooder, feeding chicks properly, and introducing treats. Whether you’re a beginner or just need a refresher, this article will help ensure your chicks grow into happy, healthy chickens!

What is a Brooder?

A brooder is a warm, safe space where chicks live for their first six weeks of life. This setup includes:

A reliable heat source (heat lamp or heat panel)
Proper lighting (chicks need to see their food and water)
Clean bedding (pine shavings work well)
Fresh food and water available at all times

Before bringing your chicks home, make sure your brooder is fully set up and heated to 95°F (35°C) for the first week. After that, reduce the temperature by 5°F each week until your chicks are fully feathered and can transition outside.

Why Food and Water Are Crucial for Chicks

Unlike adult chickens that sleep through the night without eating, baby chicks need access to food and water 24/7 to grow strong and healthy.

If using a heat panel, make sure to provide a separate light source, since chicks cannot see in the dark to find their food or water.

What Should I Feed My Chicks?

Chicks need food specifically designed for them to ensure they get the right nutrients for proper growth. The best option is:

Chick Starter Crumble – Available at farm supply stores, this finely ground feed is easy for chicks to eat and digest.

I personally prefer non-medicated chick crumble and use the Baby Chick Care Kit, which includes First Peep, a natural supplement that supports a chick’s digestive, immune, and respiratory systems.

Benefits of First Peep

Encourages chicks to start eating
Supports early digestive health
Contains kelp, oregano essential oil, and prebiotics for natural health benefits

Rather than medicated feed, I prefer giving my chicks First Peep to help them develop a strong foundation naturally.

When Can Chicks Start Eating Treats & Scratch?

Many new chicken owners ask: “When can I start giving my chicks treats?”

It’s best to wait until they are 5-6 weeks old before introducing anything besides their regular chick starter feed.

Important: Chicks Need Grit for Digestion!

If you give your chicks any treats (like scratch grains, fruits, or vegetables), they must also have access to chick grit.

Why? Unlike humans, chickens don’t have teeth! Instead, they swallow small rocks (grit), which help them break down food in their gizzard. Without grit, treats can cause digestion problems.

Chick Grit is available at farm supply stores and should be sprinkled into their feed when introducing new foods.

Raising baby chicks is a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s essential to provide them with the right care from the start. Setting up a warm, safe brooder, feeding them a nutrient-rich diet, and introducing treats responsibly will ensure they grow into strong, healthy chickens.

By following these simple steps, you’ll have happy, thriving chicks that will soon be ready to join your backyard flock!


How long do chicks stay in a brooder?

Chicks need to stay in a brooder for about six weeks, gradually reducing the temperature by 5°F each week.

What should I feed baby chicks?

Chicks should eat chick starter crumble, which contains the right nutrients for their growth and development.

Can I give my chicks treats?

Wait until chicks are 5-6 weeks old before introducing treats. Always provide chick grit to help them digest new foods.

Do chicks need a light at night?

Yes, if you use a heat panel instead of a heat lamp, you must provide a separate light source so chicks can find food and water.

What is First Peep and why use it?

First Peep is a non-medicated chick feed supplement that supports digestive, immune, and respiratory health in baby chicks.

Do chicks need water at night?

Yes, chicks should always have access to fresh water 24/7 for proper hydration and growth.

When can chicks go outside?

Chicks can start going outside for short periods around 4-5 weeks old but should be fully feathered before moving permanently outdoors.

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